LeapFrog LittleTouch LeapPad Educational Book: The Little Engine That Could Review

LeapFrog LittleTouch LeapPad Educational Book: The Little Engine That Could
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This interactive book is as lame as any pastime my child engages in. It makes "One Bear in the Bedroom" - the book that accompanies the new Little Touch Leap Pad - look like "Gone with the Wind." Somebody somewhere is embarrassed about putting this one out.
We put this on our son's wish list because he loves his Leap Pad, because he's played "Bear" within an inch of its life, and because he's obsessed with trains. Whereas with "Bear" he'd fiddle with it for ages, figuring out how to do things and looking for new discoveries, he simply turns this one on and lets it run while he does anything else - no exploring, no trying to figure out, not even much re-creation of things he likes to do in "Bear." For this to happen with Alex with anything with a train theme is quite a (reverse) accomplishment.
The interactive activities and puzzles are too simple, both unrewarding and unengaging; the music and artwork are primitive; the storytelling and singing flat as a pancake. I have no idea what other new Little Touch books have or do, but we're darn sure going to find out.
Save your money, or spend it on something else.

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It's a beloved childhood story. The Little Engine That Could makes it up the mountain because he believes in himself. The education experts at LeapFrog adapted this classic story for your child's LittleTouch LeapPad player (sold separately). Kids follow the story using touch to bring the storyline and learning to life. They'll learn self-confidence, counting and colors as they go.

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