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(More customer reviews)If you are looking to purchase a Learning Curve Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway toy, don't buy from this seller. The item I received was shipped in a plastic baggy and bubble wrap and was clearly a poor imitation of the advertised toy. With a husband who imports from the Pacific Rim, I am VERY familiar with Chinese manufactured goods. This item bore all the hallmarks of a cheap, Chinese knock-off: missing/incorrect packaging, low quality materials and a lack of attention to detail, including failing to paint the front bumper red (as shown in the picture) and no sign of the Learning Curve ID #/trademark anywhere on the toy. Any parent should be concerned with painted goods from China given the chance that lead paint may be, and likely is, used on manufactured goods that are not quality tested by a parent company.
Upon receiving my return request in which I made clear that the item I received was a fake, the seller responded, "These wooden trains are factory overruns from 2004-2006. Diesel is difficult to get in retail packaging or not. We are happy to offer this to customers who need diesel in their railyard or to complete their collection." Uh-huh, sure they are. And, I'm sure they are happy to dupe customers with a price tag close to $[...]. Truly shameful and sad that others may not realize they have received such a pitiful imitation of the extremely high quality Learning Curve Wooden Railway brand.
Insult to injury, the item arrived 11 days late. On the good side, Amazon Prime will be shipping it back to the seller for free. Diesel is hard to find and I may not be able to get one for my child's collection. If you really want Diesel and are okay paying a ridiculous sum for an obvious fake that may not be safe for your child to handle, this item fits the bill.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway - Diesel
Always scheming and ever ready to stir up trouble, Diesel is one devious engine.Diesel is the best friend of Thomas the Tank Engine and his other friends.Award: Child Magazine--""Stocking Stuffers for $10 and Under""
Click here for more information about Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway - Diesel
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