PlanToys Shape Sorter Review
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(More customer reviews)My 3 year old son loves this sorter, defintely holds his interest as there are quite a few ways to put this item together. Beautiful construction.
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The Shape Sorter allows children to identify and match the shape patterns with those on the board while learning about fraction at the same time.
Playtime Ideas:
In the initial stage, children can stack the geometric shape on the board which will help develop hand muscle and eye-hand coordination. Parents can help teach about colours and shape.
In the next stage, parents can ask children to identify and match the shape patterns with those on the board such as circle, square, triangle and learn about fractions at the same time.
Lastly, parents can guide children to place the 2 different shape patterns with those on the board helping them learn about problem solving skill (AQ).
Parents should praise children when they can do it and advice as well as encourage them if they are not able to.
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