Monopoly Deluxe Edition Review

Monopoly Deluxe Edition
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Monopoly Deluxe is a grand update of the monopoly game we all used to play in our grandma's basement with our cousin Jimmy. Now that I'm grown up and my mother has died, I have taken the opportunity to teach my kids how to play. This game is incredibly fun, and Hasbro made extra sure that players would be delighted by this games new features. There's a wheel that conveniently holds property for you, wooden houses and hotels, a restructured bank, and a brand new look and feel to the board game. There's no other game on the market that will teach you so many things about business and money counting and conservation. This will be extremely helpful when your kids work at a fast food restaurant.In my mind, this is the best version to buy if you have enough money left after paying your third mortgage on your trailer home. One downside, however, is that the money is easily ripped and bent. I find this to happen most often when your brother in law comes over and you start to quarrel. Overall, kudos to Hasbro!

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You'll get classic fun in deluxe style with Deluxe Edition Monopoly. All the features of this special edition are unique: the handy "carousel" holds the Title Deed Cards - so you can keep a close eye on the market! The Banker's tray keeps the redesigned cash on hand. Wood houses and hotels are built to last. The redesigned Community Chest and Chance cards add a touch of class. And last, chugging around the bend, is the special token - the ever-popular Monopoly game train. In all, it's a grand Deluxe Edition of the grandest game ever...the Monopoly game! For 2 to 10 players. Game includes: game board; Community Chest and Chance cards; title deed cards and card carousel; 11 tokens; play money and banker's tray; wood houses and hotels; dice.

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